An administrator is a system user with privileges. Users with administrator rights in eSign have exclusive rights to manage resources, boards, users and overall system settings. (e.g. an administrator can insert a new resource, whereas a “simple” user does not have this option). Each eSign system can have any number of administrators.
α-Blending is a technique that overlays multiple pictures into one, considering information not only about the color, but also about the α-channel.
The α-channel allows for transparency and opacity of all pixels that lie “on top of each other”. In digital applications, transparency is mostly used to adjust brightness, whereas opacity is mostly used to adjust darkness.
In addition to color values, easescreen processes all the available information for every single pixel in the α-mask. Usually, all the information about transparency (and also about color), is “summed up” for every single dot (i.e. pixel) before being projected on the screen. The intended picture will then be presented in the set view (“common transparency“). Additionally, other settings may be changed in the Screen-Manager, such as alpha-mask inversions or color-subtractions.
A mask defines a certain “pattern”, i.e. one or more groups of pixels of any form that belong together. If a certain pattern indicates, which parts of a picture are to be used for the alpha-channel, this is called an alpha-mask. Thus, an alpha-mask indicates the degree and space of transparencies.
If the alpha-mask is being inverted, the alpha-channel is “reversed” (=1-α, whereas alpha-values are always between zero and one). Transparent areas will then be more opaque and opaque areas more transparent.
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) defines 128 signs.
Audio Video Interleave (AVI) is a video-format defined by Microsoft. Audio Video Interleave means that audio- and video-files are interconnected, i.e. can be saved as “interleaved”.
The file-extension .bmp means bitmap. Very rarely, these are called device-independent bitmap and are saved as *.dib-files. These files are images that may be saved in a two-dimensional grid-graphic-format.
A booking results from carrying out a booking. In easescreen eSign this means that a booking for a certain user is carried out, i.e. a certain event is allocated to a certain resource by defining the exact time frame (e.g. the director of a company books conference room 3 on level 5 for the meeting “Sustainable development in infrastructure” from 10.10am to 1.30pm on February 16th 2012).
BrightSign players (=controllers) can be used from easescreen version 7.3 onwards but you must have an easescreen BrightSign-Server included in the network.
A browser, also called web-browser, is a program, which displays pages (e.g. of the World Wide Web) and, on interactive pages, can also perform actions. The browser which is most widely used is called Internet Explorer (short: IE). Access to the easescreen Web-Interface may be gained via a browser.
cf. BrightSign-Server.
A bug refers to a failure respectively an unwanted behavior in software.
In the cache, data may be saved temporarily. In order to shorten the loading time of webpages, cached copies of the page are often being loaded. This may lead to the page not always being displayed in its latest version. easescreen enables you to decide on your preferred settings when loading webpages.
A system is called case-sensitive, if it distinguishes between capital and minuscule letters. The easescreen web-interface is case-sensitive upon log in.
The combined community codec pack is a special codec-pack of third-party-providers.
Due to the fact that CCCP contains the most important audio- and video-codecs, it is preferably used on POV-Clients.
The acronym CEC refers to the Consumer Electronic Control technologie.
CFG is a certain file-format of easescreen that contains client configuration.
CHM stands for Compressed HTML help. This is the file-format of help-files created by the company Microsoft. The Screen-Manager help is also available in this widely used and commonly known format. A so-called CHW (content)-file is part of the CHM-file.
The Changelog is a text file listing all significant changes (such as new features, enhancements or bug fixes) between the sequential versions of the software. The easescreen Changelog files can be found on the licenseportal.
A codec indicates, how data or signals are digitally encoded and decoded. There are numerous codecs for multimedia content (DIVX, XVID, FFDShow, MPEG2, DVobSub, OGG Vorbis, AC3, and many more). Please note that every POV-PC has to have access to software that is necessary to decode files in order to display them effortlessly. However, there is the possibility to install a so-called Codec Pack, which covers a large number of popular video and audio formats. Well known codec packs are the CCCP and K-Lite Mega Codec Pack as well as the LAV filters from ffmpeg.org.
With respect to digital signage, a collage refers to several screens being positioned next to each other, according to customer’s requests (e.g. like stairs in an escalator). The displayed content can be controlled by a single digital signage management software via the main monitor assembly (=collage).
Color-subtraction is based on three primary colors: cyan, magenta and yellow. This is why it is called the CMY-system, especially in color printing. Other colors may also be displayed; certain pigments of these colors are then absorbed (“subtracted”) by filters. Cyan-filters absorb red pigments, magenta-filters absorb green pigments, and yellow-filters absorb blue pigments.
Color-subtraction may be applied to your easescreen layout-screen (see color mixing effects). What is more, easescreen’s Screen-Manager offers inverted color-subtraction. Thus, the cyan-filter absorbs red pigments, the magenta-filter green and the yellow-filter blue pigments.
A com-port is a serial (bidirectional) interface of IBM-compatible computers. Even though this is an old specification, modern devices (monitors, motors, temperature gages…) are still equipped with COM-ports. easescreen can not only receive data via this interface from devices, but also operate them via the serial interface cable (e.g. switch on/off, operate motor…).
easescreen’s Configuration-Manager takes care of the management and configuration of Management-Servers and POV-Clients. Here, you can, for example, configure settings concerning the bandwidth limitations, automatic information e-mails, and maintenance intervals.
Content in easescreen refers to various types of media content which can be displayed as an event by a POV. Thus, any kind of audio-, visual-, and moving material is described as content, i.e. any multimedia content, which can be displayed by a POV.
The acronym CSS refers to the Cascading Style Sheets which are widely used with webpages. We like to use CSS to determine positions and formats of content in templates for eSign door signs and overviews, and structure them in advance. Single formatting elements are classified according to their display properties (size, color …) and are then saved (preferably separately) in an additional file.
Character separated value (sometimes Comma separated value) files mostly end with the file-extension .csv.
Storage records are saved in such a file per line (e.g. customers’ addresses).
Each element will be separated from the next by a certain separator (mostly a comma).
Smith, 14, Wellington Lane
Templeton, 355, Garden Ave
easescreen automatically retrieves content of data-source-events from such a file.
A CSV-file may be edited with a simple text editor, e.g. Notepad. It is even easier to create CSV-files in a spreadsheet application such as Excel.
The abbreviation DDC stands for Display Data Channel. This communication channel between the monitor/screen and the PC connected to it. For example EDID-Information sent over the DDC. From the VESA, several different versions have been adapted by this data bus. easescreen uses the DDC to turn screens on and off
DCR refers to the file format of files created by Adobe Director.
Quite often, these are very complex multimedia presentations. These may contain numerous audiovisual media types, but also SWF-files, and even content from databases.
Any *.dcr-files may be included in easescreen, set the display time, and make best use of their interactivity.
Default value
The default value describes pre-determined settings for adjustable variables in easescreen that were either set during the installation, or later by the user.
Digital Signage
Digital Signage is the “field of digital advertisement posters”. The content can be designed in any way and is usually linked to user interactions.
With easescreen, a “display” is a single image unit. Displaying this image unit depends on certain calendar entry settings of the according POV, which were set by the Screen-Manager.
A display may consist of a single, commercially available screen, or any other public display, such as a video-wall or a touchscreen. What is more, several screens may serve as a display of one single, connected image, e.g. a collage. A display is always connected to a POV and fed with multimedia files. A POV may be combined with most output devices. However, we suggest that certain tested models be used, for which we will provide you with configuration files. Here, we would also like to draw your attention to our very own player, which is designed especially for easescreen software.
One POV may, of course, serve several displays. Displays may also include and play audio files.
A Domain-Name-System always points to a particular (in the nameserver registered) IP address. On the Internet such addresses contain for example, a sub-domain, the domain and the gTLD (global Top Level Domain), these three strings are separated by a dot.
An example of a DNS name: pov3.tele.f.de, the name resolution of the nameserver ensure that the entered DNS name leads to the desired IP address.
easescreen POVs may be licensed per Dongle. In this case, these are (small) USB-sticks that have to be inserted in the POV when operating.
Stands for Display Power Management Signaling. This is a VESA specific method, which allows accordinly prepared graphics cards, to tell a DPMS-Compliant monitor, which energy-saving state it should take.
The acronym DSID stands for Doorsign Identifier. This is a unique identifier of the eSign Touch devices. This identifier (unique string) can be found on a sticker located at the backside of the easescreen device (next to the serial number).
DirectX Video Acceleration
The so-called Extended Display Identification Data is a standardised data structure which is used by a display device to describe its properties (e.g. size of screen). The EDID of a digital display is retrieved by connected computers to find out more about certain specifications of said display device and, thus, adjust to its capabilities and possibilities.
eInk displays make use of reflective display technology and therefore use low energy. Due to the reflective display technology these eInk displays should only be used as doorsigns where the content is seldomly changed.
easescreen eSign is especially designed for digital door signs and digital signposts. Data may be included and acquired not only via interfaces of databases (e.g. via an exchange-server), but also via web-based interfaces that facilitate the administration of rooms and resources. Data that has been collected by the eSign-Server will be transferred to POV-Clients, and then displayed at the according digital overview panels or animated door signs when required.
The eSign-Server is an additional easescreen component which supports you with the management of digital door signs (e.g. seminar rooms in hotels) and event panels (e.g. entrance hall of a cinema).
The eSign-Touch is a special easescreen made doorsign. The great advantage of these door panels is that they can be booked directly through interaction on the screen of these door signs.
Excel is a spreadsheet application by Microsoft.
eSign may create excel-sheet-reports.
The easescreen event data-source serves to include CSV-files that have been created with a spreadsheet application, i.e. also Excel, in the data processing.
Exchange Server
The Exchange Server is the server side of a client-server, a collaborative application developed by Microsoft. Resource calendars may be imported into easescreen eSign from the Exchange Server.
FAE is a certain file-format of easescreen, which contains a presentation-event-archive.
You can save any easescreen presentation-event in a *.fae-file, including all the multimedia files, and then re-integrate them whenever and wherever you wish.
FAG is a certain file-format of easescreen, which contains a presentation-overall-archive.
You may save the whole calendar playlist of a POV, including all the multimedia files, as a backup; or import them at any POV.
FAS is a certain file-format of easescreen, which is similar to FAG. However, only a daily schedule of a playlist may be saved in a *.fas-file, including all the files that are necessary to display the schedule successfully, but it is not possible to save playlists that go beyond this one day.
FCD is a certain file-format of easescreen. You may use it to create a CD-archive, including media files.
FCO is a certain file-format of easescreen. You may use it to create a CD-archive, including playlists. As compared to FCD-files, FCO-files do not include the media files that are referenced in their playlist.
Feed usually means RSS-Feed; cf. RSS.
FFT is a file-format of easescreen. FFT-files are MHT-files that include free variable parameters, which may be used by easescreen to be filled with character strings.
The event easescreen Template uses these FFT-files.
On the one hand, a firewall is software employed on computers connecting Internet and Intranet. It prevents outer access to Intranet IP-addresses, i.e. a protection of intern data. When configured correctly, it can also be used to exclude certain URLs via rules or lists, e.g. pages that are not suitable for minors. A firewall bases its decision, whether access might be gained or denied, mainly on the information included in the source- or destination address as well as the connection.
On the other hand, a firewall can also designate devices in the network, which serves increased network security. For this purpose, firewalls stop unknown or undesired connections. A firewall stops data packets from interfering with the Intranet, and prevents them from escaping into the Internet.
Depending on the circumstances, the network administrator of your company has to be informed that easescreen is being used. The administrator can then take care of the firewall’s properties, so that easescreen may work correctly.
cf. SWF.
FPE is a certain file-format of easescreen that is used to save presentation events. Only playing times and links to multimedia content to be played are saved in an FPE-file. If you would also like to save the respective multimedia files, please use the archive format (FAE).
By saving an FPG-file, a full backup of a POV-calendar is carried out (i.e. default schedule, default week-schedule and all day schedules). Unlike FAG-files, FPG-files do not include the respective media files.
A frame is a description for single images in films and animations. easescreen may display certain sequences from exactly one set frame to another. What is more, several films may be displayed frame-simultaneously at the same time.
*.fsa-files are system description files that may be used for the exchange of hardware-configuration data in easescreen.
Full HD
Full HD stands for “full high definition”, which refers to a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
GIF stands for Graphics (File) Interchange Format; sometimes the earlier term GIFF can still be found.
It is a lossless graphic format for compressing images with lower color depth, i.e. up to a maximum of 256 different colors per image. Several separate images can be saved in one GIF file. This can then be displayed as an animation by a POV.
A file with the file-extension “.ini” is a configuration file. “ini“ means initialization. An INI-file is a simple text-file that determines certain settings for the system. The text is structured in a certain way, so that the system can interpret the text-file properly.
The hardware.ini is an important configuration file of the system. The hardware.ini of an easescreen pov client is normally saved in C:\FeldTech. This hardware.ini specifies, how easescreen components are supposed to communicate with interfaces (e.g. TV/Capture-Card, operation-inputs, RFID-reading-devices, etc.). The adaptation of hardware.ini plays a central role when installing and configuring a well adapted system (i.e. adapted to your needs). Editing the hardware.ini is usually only necessary when installing the program or making changes to the hardware.
The acronym HDV stands for “high definition video”. Usually, this means that the video has a resolution of up to 1440 x 1080 pixels.
HTML means hypertext markup language. This is a textual descriptive language for structuring and classifying content (texts, grids, frames…) of these pages. “Usual webpages” are in HTML-format and are saved with the file-extension .htm or .html. Saved HTML-files can be included in easescreen with the event Web-Archive-HTML and, consequently, be displayed on a POV.
The iCalendar is a file format for exchanging calendar content. In the easescreen eSign software, such iCalendar files can be imported as .ics files.
Icons are symbols that are connected to certain functions. Pictograms are selected so that their appearance intuitively suggests which action is connected to these buttons.
ID, which stands for “identifier”, is a unique chain of characters to differentiate one entry from another in a database.
eSign assigns these unique IDs to each resource as it is entered, which guarantees that resources cannot be confused, if say a room is renamed. For this reason, resource IDs cannot be changed by users. A resource’s ID can be viewed in the Detail screen.
INI-files are files that initiate a process. They are simple text files with the file-extension .ini.
They are responsible for the settings that will be loaded when the program is being initiated. easescreen, for instance, includes the information that the content of certain connected display devices should not be organized horizontally, but turned in a certain direction, when displaying a Collage.
An IP-address (Internet-Protocol-address) is necessary to clearly identify an internet user. According to the IP Version 4, this is a number made up of four octets. Internet-servers receive a fixed IP-address and may be found on the internet either via their IP-address as well as via the acronym (URL) administered by the DNS. Example of an IP-address: Often a DNS name is entered instead of an IP address, which will then lead to the appropriate IP address.
A job is a task that is carried out by the Management-Server (MMS). These may be tasks that are initiated by the system (example: periodical checking of connection to Clients) or tasks that are initiated by the user (example: transmission of data to a Client).
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG offers various lossy and lossless compression and encoding methods for digital images. Sometimes the E in JPEG is omitted, and the term JPG is used instead. Like all other image formats, JPEG is also supported by easescreen.
Take an inanimate picture and select a square part of it. This square window may be moved, increased or decreased. This is called the “Ken-Burns-Effect”, and may also be used, and reproduced in easescreen when using the motion path application.
Log stands for log-file. All error- and warning-messages of easescreen are saved on the respective devices in protocol-files. These files (logs) can not only be viewed via an editor, but can also be used for management in an adapted version via the Screen-Manager.
The Management-Server is a special component that is meant for supporting customers with many POV-Clients and/or large data-transfers concerning presentation-content. This concept transfers data to POV-Clients not directly via Screen-Manager-PCs, but via an inter-connected Management-Server. This leads to a large increase in performance. What is more, the MMS can, of course, independently launch transmissions of new or changed files. In short, the Management-Server is also called MMS.
… stands for MHTML, which again means MIME HTML.
Files with an .mht suffix directly include all content in one file that is usually linked externally on web pages with HTML-code. easescreen-files that are an entire unit can be included with the event WEB-ARCHIVE-HTML. The structure of FFT-files is similar to that of MIME HTML-files.
cf. MHT.
cf. MHT.
cf. Management-Server.
MOV is a file-extension for the container-format of QuickTime, the multimedia structure of Apple. As this is a container-format, a *.mov-file can save several information-sources in one file, i.e. picture as well as sound. If the QuickTime Player is installed on the POV, *.mov-files may be included in easescreen.
cf. MPEG-4.
MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group. The MPEG-4 video compression format is a significantly stronger video compression than the MPEG-2. Sometimes, MP4 is used in short for MPEG-4.
News ticker
News ticker is the description for a moving text-line (with or without pictures and dynamic components) with messages (in general, short news). The respective easescreen event is called Text-Newsticker.
This event is not to be confused with the event RSS-Newsticker.
NTP stands for Network Time Protocol. This is used to synchronize computer clocks via internal network. As digital signage networks often require time coordinated devices, one uses this technology in a number of applications.
OLE stands for object linking and embedding. This is a Microsoft developed system (protocol), which facilitates the coordination of objects from various applications. All OLE-objects may be included in easescreen.
OPS stands for Open Pluggable Specification. It is an industry standard, which was developed by Intel for the special requirements of Digital Signage displays. OPS specifies a certain interface (a PIN Connector for video signal, audio signal, power, …) for the Player to be placed into the OPS slot (often found in modern screens). Because these players do not need the entire wiring of the regular PCs, and these computer units, unlike monitors with built-in computers, are very easy to replace. Some of our customers enjoy this modern technology for certain applications and thus often use slot-in PC NEC screens with the easescreen software.
A parser is a type of software (computer program or part of such), which checks character strings (e.g. XML-files) for certain content, and/or filters it and/or uses it for further purposes.
Passive FTP
FTP here stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a type of data transmission for TCP/IP-networks, in which easescreen products are usually included. If this network does not allow active FTP (active mode), passive FTP (passive mode) has to be applied. This may be the case if the Client can not be contacted by the server. A reason for this could be a firewall, which was included and configured by the Screen-Manager-PC.
Photoshop is a picture and photo editing software by Adobe Systems. easescreen often uses picture-files that have been created and/or edited in Photoshop. Pictures that were created in Photoshop using α-masks may be used in easescreen.
Partial display areas of POV-displays are, as usual, given in pixels in the Screen-Manager, as these are the smallest display unit.
Thus, editing-data (e.g. frames, drop-shadow…) which may be changed by the user in the Screen-Manager also often has to be given in pixels.
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. This is a graphic format with grid-graphics without loss in picture-compression. In PNG-graphics, transparencies may be given via the alpha-channel. These transparencies can be displayed on the POV by advising the Screen-Manager to display embedded image-transparency.
PoE and PoE Plus (PoE+), stand for Power over Ethernet Technology. With this technology the power supply can be realized via an internet cable (usually a twisted pair cable with RJ45 connector). This cost-saving and practical solution (less cabling, no batteries or other power connections required) can be used for our Digital Doorsigns with a low power consumption.
A point of interest, or POI, is a specific point location that is useful in (e-)marketing.
Point of purchase. cf. POS.
Port is the description of an interface (or part of an address) that tells the server on the Internet which Internet-service has to be used for the incoming message. Thus, various services, or rather their protocols, use different connections: FTP 20 and 21, HTTP 80, etc. easescreen’s default ports are 80 (HTTP-access), 19000 (MMS), 20000 (POV) und 20001 (POV). The default-port for eSign is 28888.
Figuratively speaking, the IP-address is the door number, the connection to the room number.
Point of sale (also sometimes referred to as POP) is the location where a customer transaction occurs.
The POV, also called POV-Client, is a device for playing pictures and/or sounds, which are located at any place of presentation.
Depending on the license and installation, a variety of multimedia-content can be displayed in various ways. The POV is operated by the Screen-Manager.
The POV (or Point of Visualization) client also describes a tool which usually consists of a computer and one or more monitors that are responsible for the display of the presentation at the very location.
For example: a commercial enterprise, which consists of several branches, broadcasts digital advertisement in every single branch. In every branch a computer is located; on this computer the POV-Client-software is installed. For administration of advertisement-content every single public display can be contacted by the Screen-Manager. If eSign-Servers are integrated in your system, the displays may be digital door signs or boards.
Several screens may be connected to one POV. Several screens can also display one coherent picture and may display this as an entity. However, they may also display different information with different content.
Partly, content of the POV may also be edited via a Web-Interface.
The povclient.ini file is an INI-file for configuration of POV-Client settings, such as
– eSign-server connection
– determining where schedules and log-files should be saved
– mouse-behavior
– rebooting time
– …
Hint: In the default installation, find the povclient.ini file in the folder C:\FeldTech.
In order to activate every single easescreen POV-Client, a product-key is necessary.
This is a character-string which was included when you bought the software.
The proxy (literally “authorized”) is software that is installed on computers on the interface of Internet and Intranet, or also ISP (Internet Service Provider). It is necessary to store data that has been retrieved intermediately in a cache to retrieve it faster the next time. In addition, the backbone- traffic of the Internet is minimized.
A Pull-Client is a POV-Client which is prepared in such a way, that it actively looks for new content (updated Schedules, media-files) at specified intervals and then retrieves this from the MMS.
A Push-Client is a POV-Client which is prepared to passively receive new content (updated Schedules, media-files) from the MMS and waits for the MMS to send this.
Stands for Quality Control. As a part of an RMA case, easescreen devices are subjected to a quality check, which are (afterwards) marked with a sticker on the backside of the device, displaying which easescreen Technician has carried out the quality control.
A remote-address is an Inter- or Intranet-address for remote access. In easescreen, the event Remote Desktop requires remote access.
Remote Desktop
This means that remote access from a different PC is taking place. To do so, the third-party-software VNC has to be installed. If you have done so, current views of PC Desktops may be displayed in any area of easescreen displays.
This is the abbreviation for Return Merchandise Authorization. Before easescreen goods may be returned to the manufacturer (in the event of a claim), an RMA (Return) number must be requested.
RSS is an acronym and stands for a news-format which is commonly used on the Internet. In easescreen, the RSS-Newsticker-event is similar to the Text-Newsticker-event. However, RSS-news does not have to be written by you. This feature allows you to directly import current headlines from a server of your choice, e.g. a news-provider on the Internet. News in RSS-format is also called RSS-feed. This is, simply said, a News ticker which is provided and updated by a third-party.
RTF stands for Rich-Text-Format and is a file-format (document-format) for formatted texts. It was introduced by Microsoft. The source text of an RTF-formatted text consists of the non-formatted text, RTF-control-words, and RTF-control-symbols that indicate the desired formatting directly in the text.
Example of such a formatting is:
“In this sentence the {\b last seven words should be displayed bold}.”
The code \b indicates that the area in braces {} (=control block) should be displayed in bold letters.
In the Crystal-version, Screen-Manager-users have the option to edit news ticker-texts via RTF.
Frequent types of formatting (bold, italic, color, etc.) are available in the Screen-Manager via the intuitively used buttons.
See Software-Assurance.
easescreen’s Screen-Manager enables users to manage a presentation time-wise (planning schedules exactly to the second) as well as content-wise (what should be displayed where and under which circumstances) on the POV-PCs (Point of Visualization).
Besides the hardware.ini, this is another configuration-file which exists on every POV-Client. Parameters for the display can be set here, especially that of the sub-layers.
cf. Screen-Manager.
SN stands for Serial Number. The easescreen hardware can be identified by such serial numbers, these are found on a sticker which is located at the backside of the respective device.
SOCKS is short for “SOCKetS“. SOCKS is an Internet protocol which supervises the transfer of packages via a proxy-server. Here, Clients connect “behind” a firewall via an existing SOCKS-proxy-server, and then to the desired Clients on the Internet. This SOCKS-proxy-server proves the permission of requesting Clients, and forwards eligible requests to the respective servers.
It is characteristic for SOCKS that it allows an authentication of users. The SOCKS-protocol allows Client-server-applications to use the services of a proxy without depending on protocol or transparency. easescreen supports the Socks-4-protocol (type 4 and type 4a) as well as the Socks-5-protocol.
An easescreen license with Software Assurance is a license that is being maintained during the Software-Assurance period. Meaning, that the license will always be in an actual state (receiving new Updates) without having to pay an additional update fee. These Software-Assured licenses are privately maintained on the easescreen license portal.
S/PDIF is developed in the 1990’s by Sony and Philips and is now a very common standard for transmitting Audio signals. Which are nowadays often used in Digital Signage Networks. The transfer of SPDIF signals here can be made according to request via coaxial cable (eg connecting via RCA connector), per HDMI or DisplayPort or not electrical signals via fiber optics.
A stream in easescreen may either be a video- or an audio-stream. These are sound- and/or image-data that are received from somewhere else (normally, another network-address). The process of receiving (from somewhere else), and simultaneous displaying data is also called live-stream.
In easescreen, sub-layers are separated calendars onto which, editors with respective user-rights can alter the contents of these sub-layers. The main layer is used to contain areas in which sub layers are defined. Thus these sub-layers allow strict and clear separation within the playlists (with regard to display times, areas and user rights).
Initially, SWF meant ShockWave Flash. However, frequent confusions with Shockwave-files occurred, even though their file-extension is *.dcr, and these files are created by Adobe Director. This is why the meaning changed and, nowadays, SWF stands for Small Web Forum. Informal language also simply talks about Flash-files.
SWF-files may contain multimedia-files, vector graphics, and ActionScript. These animations, which may be complex, frequently offer user interaction.
Any number of *.swf-files may be included in easescreen. You can determine the playing time, and make use of their interactivity by using the Screen-Manager.
The System-ID is a string with the purpose of identifying a unique “System”. Often this identifier is checked, to see if a certain action is permitted (for examople, data transmission).
This word means pattern. In easescreen, MHT-Templates can be used as easescreen templates.
In easescreen eSign, templates (in XSLT format) are provided for door signs and boards, defining in which part of the screen the content (images, text) should be placed, and in what style. These templates are often designed in the corporate identity style of customers.
In our case, third-party stands for third-party supplier. Third-party software is simply software of another supplier and, thus, not software provided by the company FeldTech. easescreen’s POV-Clients use other software products in several cases. An example for this is, for instance, the software of third-party suppliers for operating infrared-interfaces; or the PowerPoint Viewer for displaying PowerPoint slides.
Timecode is a frequent format for “describing” single frames in moving image-material.
In the easescreen Screen-Manager, the event Video and the event Apple Quicktime-Movie, a movie-sequence can be cut as desired by using timecodes.
A timecode here is given in the form mm:ss.ff, where mm stands for minutes, ss seconds, and ff for the single frames.
A touchscreen is a screen that may be operated by touching it. In easescreen, touchscreens may be used with POVs, and audience may operate interactive events on-site. These are, for instance, used in guidance systems or in Smart Shelves.
Transparency in easescreen is always connected to color. All underlying elements of the transparently defined color shine through at exactly those points where the transparent color is defined in the above-lying element (event). If you use PNG graphic files, more than one transparent color can be set.
What is more, easescreen can also handle whole areas of transparency (α-Masks). Transparency here may be a value that indicates the opaqueness of upper layers. Transparency masks are normally used for dealing with non-square areas (e.g. clouds).
See also: α-channel and α-mask.
UI stands for User-Interface. In this manual, the expression UI is generally used in connection with possible choices (buttons, levers…) that are available to easescreen users in the software.
Ultra HD
Ultra High Definition is a term that was originally coined by LG, but is now used as an umbrella term. There is no set value for “width x height”, the final product simply has to have more than 8 million Pixels. At the minimal aspect ratio of 16 to 9 there has to be a resolution of at least 4096 × 2304 pixels. One of the most widely used formats (that has to be used as a minimum) is 3840 x 2160. This ratio is also called Quad Full High Definition (QFHD – a term coined by Toshiba). Another term still used in this context is 4k, which was first used by Sony.
The URL (Uniform Resource Locater) is the unique designation of an Internet server, a document saved on it, or another Internet resource. It consists of a resource type, generally an Internet protocol, a colon, possibly a symbol to identify the use of an URL schema, “//”, the host name, possibly a sub-domain, the domain, and the global top level domain (gTLD). All of these are separated by full stops, e.g. https://tech.easescreen.com/en/products/what-we-offer.html. Dynamic content, e.g. RSS-feeds, are normally included in the POV-schedule by using an URL in easescreen.
User Role
In a (User-)Role permissions are set. User Roles can be defined for each POV in easescreen. Since all the permissiosn of the role are inherrited, the (Role-) User may, edit all Screens and to be displayed content that has been released from its parent role. This Provides the advantage that, when the necesarry changes to the permission of the user role must be performed, they only have to be executed once and not for each individual user.
VLC media player is third-party software which is not part of easescreen, but may be used on POV-Clients.
VLC media player (initially VideoLAN Client) is a portable, free media-player that supports various streaming-protocols. The advantage of VLC compared to other programs is that it plays almost every format and every file.
VNC is third-party software that may be included in easescreen.
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) software offers the option to transmit and display the content of another PC via the network. However, it is required that the other computer, of which the desktop shall be displayed, is connected to a VNC-server.
VOB stands for Video Object. This is a file-format of DVD-videos. If CCCP is installed on the player-POV, VOB videos may be added in easescreen.
Watchdog is a term taken from software technology. In this case, it is a software component of a complete software solution. The Watchdog “guards” the state of the software, maybe also the hardware; it registers problems that have occurred (see Log) and, depending on the guidelines set, tries to solve these problems instantly (e.g. restarting the software or rebooting the computer). One of the main functions of easescreen’s Watchdog is to make sure that the POV display is always in the foreground and never covered by pop-up dialogues or other third program messages. What is more, easescreen Watchdog controls the output devices (such as the switching on/off of output devices).
The product Web-Interface of easescreen facilitates easily made booking-entries in a Web-Browser, without having to open calendar entries in the parental Screen-Manager first.
WinCEsign is an easescreen software package that can be installed on computers that are run with Microsoft Windows CE. The WinCEsign software ensures that the information that was provided by the eSign-Server can be displayed in a predefined template. The devices referred to are usually door signs that consist of an economical single board computer and a small display.
XML is the acronym for Extensible Markup Language. An XML-file is a text-file in which data is always included in a specially organized, logical form. Keeping to XML-specification guarantees a simple and error-free digital processing of data that are embedded in the structural elements (XML-elements). Another advantage is that XML-files can be deciphered by humans. Examples for structural elements in easescreen are: or .
easescreen’s event Data-Source offers the option of controlling all content of this event via an XML-file.
XPath is a language to retrieve XML-files, and was standardized by W3C. XML-files that are included in Data-Source events will be transformed by easescreen, using XPath, so that certain elements that are used in the UI can be selected and displayed.
XSL stands for Extensible Stylesheet language. It is used for defining layouts in XML-documents.
easescreen uses the sub-language XSLT (=XSL-transformations) in eSign to design (web-) pages, door signs, and boards.
Let yourself be inspired by clever digital signage solutions implemented with easescreen
Author: Zuzana Yalcin